Monday, November 15, 2010


The Will to Die
Paragraph 1: Stats on suicide and scientific results that explain the main reasons a person commits suicide.
Paragraph 2: Define assisted suicide and the term will, then introduce thesis.
Body: Point 1-
            Paragraph 3: Believe that assisted suicide will become a second Holocaust.
            Paragraph 4: Refute- Granting someone their last wish isn’t murder, its mercy, Jack Kevorkian.
Body: Point 2-
Paragraph 5: Legalizing assisted suicide would make a reform, like better pain control, less likely.
Paragraph 6: Better medications and assisted suicide aren’t competing. The idea of both is to make the end of life as peaceful as possible.
Body: Point 3-
            Paragraph 7: Some believe that assisted suicide takes away the sanctity of life.
Paragraph 8: Refute- “Vomit, drool, urine, feces, and other indignities must be attended to by nursing assistants. Alzheimer's patients suffer from progressively worse dementia that causes memory loss and incoherent rambling. Virtually all people want others' last memory of them to be how they once were, not what they ended up being” Messerli
            Paragraph 9: Summarize
            Paragraph 10: Conclude


  1. This looks very organized and well thought out! I like that you are planning to include statistics about suicide. Can't wait to read your paper!

  2. I agree with Laura, it looks like you have put a lot of thought into your outline so it'll be easier to put your paper together. I think your topic is really interesting and i can't wait to read your paper.

  3. This is a very interesting topic. Pretty controversial, I'd say. In your outline you bring up some good points and seems like you present the argument fairly on both sides.

  4. This seems like a very interesting topic! I can tell that you took time in doing your outline!

  5. You should have no problem writing this paper, it is an extremely controversial topic.

  6. this is an interesting topic, I'm sure there is a lot of controversy that goes with it.
